I'm still breastfeeding

Yes, you read that right; I'm still breastfeeding. I never thought I would be two years gone and still breastfeeding. When I think back to when I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. My husband and I had talked about it a lot, and we knew it was something we wanted to try and do. We agreed to aim for a year because we'd never really seen anybody breastfeeding past a year in my everyday life. In this world we live in, it's become uncommon to see a toddler clinging to their mother's breast. Yet, here I am, sitting on the bus in precisely that position, wondering how I got here.

It's not that I haven't tried to wean; God knows I have. And it's not that I want to keep breastfeeding. Still, every time I try and stop, I'm either plagued with breastfeeding withdrawal symptoms that even my doctors are marveled at or a sad, sad toddler who looks at me like I've denied her right to live.

I don't know how long I'll keep breastfeeding. To be honest, breastfeeding has been one thing that has gone relatively smoothly for me. Everything else was pretty tricky. For me, breastfeeding wasn't so hard, and I'm grateful. I'm thankful I've created this bond with my daughter that I honestly otherwise would not have had. I'm thankful that she sees me as a source of comfort. But man, am I ready to sever! Man, am I ready to sleep through the night! Man, am I ready to not be a human dummy. Rant over.

Mums who have breastfed into toddlerhood, how long did you breastfeed for? How did you successfully wean? Even if I leave my daughter for a week and come back, she somehow still remembers precisely where to go. Gosh, I really need help! Please leave your tips in the comments below.


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